I’m back! Surprised? Last week I finished off by telling you about a concert that came about after a coincidental meeting with Robert Burns. Not the poet but the Mayor of Bridgend. We were both minding our own business at Zia Nina’s when the owner Saverio Florimonte introduced me to his Holiness and started to recite my CV. Before I knew it I had agreed to put on an event in the old library, the now Carnegie House. Have to cut this story short (only allowed 500 words) – concert happened and was a huge success. The old library was transformed into a theatre for an amazing evening. The atmosphere was electric. Well done to all involved. Let’s keep theatre alive wherever that may be.
I also mentioned that Sinclair Audi had lent me a red hot TT Coupe (Amplified Edition) – OMG what a car. I’ve never had so many people turn their heads, I thought it was the cosmetic surgery that I’ve had (HAHA) but no, it was the car – I know nothing about cars but it was red, black, fast- it was LUSH. I WANT IT NOW AUDI!
This brings me onto my first question from Julie Cardwell – “What was your first car, its colour and how many have you owned?” My first car at 17 was a hand me down from my eldest brother Huw, who had given it a full makeover. A Ford escort with extra rust details, I can only describe as “ The Grease lightening”. Matt black with a bold silver strip running the whole length of the vehicle – cool or what! Thanks Huw I loved that car almost as much as the TT. Over the years I’ve had a VW polo, Vauxhall Cavalier, Ford Focus, Seat Ibiza, Peugeot 206 and now an Audi A1.
Second question from Margaret Morris – “I really enjoyed your duet with Rob Brydon at the Lyric last year, who else would you like to duet with?” How long is a piece of string Margaret? So many wonderfully talented artists out there. I’d love to collaborate with singers like Neil Diamond, Josh Groban, Katherine McPhee (this is purely for marriage) Dolly, Domingo, etc. My CD collection covers such a wide range. Even have a 1D album which my daughter insisted on – can’t say it offends too much.
No singing this weekend but tonight I`m attending the Throckmorton Air Show black tie dinner in aid of Military charities. Tomorrow morning up to London for a meeting to discuss my first festival on the stunning Island of Sark.
Remember to book your tickets for the fund raising event at St Peter`s Church on the 15th November. I’m joined by my band and the Carmarthen Youth Opera.
This article was originally published in the Carmarthen Journal in Mark’s weekly column for the paper.